Friday, March 21, 2014

Assignment 4 Net Neutrality

- freedom on the web
- Non-discriminatory access to the web
- provides a competitive market place
- provides protection and freedoms for groundbreaking internet ideas

- Tiered Access could make for a better internet
- censors internet browsing
- limits markets
- too much legislation

Net neutrality has come across today as a very talked about topic. Many people for net neutrality believe that it is beneficial for the public. They believe that knowledge is power and that net neutrality allows for people to gain knowledge. By having net neutrality people are able to view sites freely and activists feel this is beneficial for the public. If we do not have net neutrality then people believe that we will lose knowledge that should be gained by the public.

Recently in the news the court struck down the FCC's net neutrality rules. The FCC made an attempt to initiate net neutrality rules which would provide for the future of the internet. The proposal was shut down by a 2 to 1 vote and left the FCC still fighting to incorporate net neutrality.The court ruled against the net neutrality rules as they believed that "the commission failed to establish the anti discrimination and anti blocking rules".

Net neutrality is tied to the topic of freedom of speech because if we do not have net neutrality then a lot of things can be censored or taken away. People believe that this is against the first amendment and takes away our right of freedom of speech. Many people believe that they should be able to post freely without any punishment or restrictions. Net neutrality allows everyone to post freely and express their thoughts and opinions through the internet which is an example of freedom of speech and the first amendment.

Recent news about net neutrality does not affect my position today. I still firmly stand with my opinion that we should not fix the internet as it runs fine today. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and today the internet has its certain complications but for the most part runs quickly and efficient. I believe that the government does an efficient job with monitoring the internet and keeps in tact our right to freedom of speech. There are certain circumstances where the government needs to step in and act on problems in the internet but I feel they do a solid job on that part.

My stand on net neutrality goes back and forth. I do believe that we are entitled to freedom of speech and the ability to post and share what we want but there are also boundaries. I do believe that sometimes people over step their boundaries on the internet and cross the lines of fair freedom of speech. Some people post things that should not be shared with the public and I believe that is when the government should step in. For the most part I believe that everyone should be able to post freely but in certain scenarios the government needs to step in.
This is a valid site as it provides the reader with solid information about recent news with net neutrality and links to other known sources making it valid and verifiable.
This website is valid and verifiable because the new york times is a known and trustworthy source.